Peer-reviewed ViraVerita E-journal, which began its publishing life in 2015, is published as themed issues that deploy interdisciplinary discussion contexts. Alongside this, it includes translations and off-topic articles at every issue. ViraVerita E-journal is published twice a year (fall and spring). Unlike online publishing area, it is an academic journal that has its own academic writing principles and evaluation system.

ViraVerita E-journal in an international, indexed and Open Access journal. ViraVerita E-journawas accepted for inclusion in The Philosopher’s Index and Index Copernicus International in 2018 and it is also indexed in Asos Index | Academia Social Science Index since 2013. Citations for this journal will now appear in the world’s most comprehensive bibliography of writings on Social Science. Citations for our journal are available to search in the online index via the following three distributors: EBSCOOvid and ProQuest.